It was in 1972 that the Prince of Lobkowicz presented the first credentials to President Houphouët Boigny, and the Embassy wanted to mark this moment.
In this context, a card stamp was created and printed in 250 copies by the Grand Magisterium in Rome, the first copy of which was presented by His Excellency Prince Dominique de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel to His Excellency Madame CAMARA, Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and the Diaspora.
On this occasion, a reception was offered on Tuesday, June 28 at the Residence of the First Counselor, in the presence of the Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister Governor of the Autonomous District of Lakes, Mrs Raymonde GOUDOU-COFFIE, many Ambassadors and representatives of the Diplomatic Corps present in Abidjan.